New Routine for Organizing Your Home Office Work Space
May 21, 2018

- Habits
- Organization
- Storage IdeasResearch shows it takes only 21 days to form a new habit. Get in the habit of putting things away for another day, use a tickler file for next day to-do items, store away items not used as much but still needed. Your home office is exposed to family and friends daily, so stay organized to avoid things getting lost or projects being touched by wondering hands. Your home office needs storage space, storage items, labeling and ways to keep track of projects in use.
- Storage IdeasResearch shows it takes only 21 days to form a new habit. Get in the habit of putting things away for another day, use a tickler file for next day to-do items, store away items not used as much but still needed. Your home office is exposed to family and friends daily, so stay organized to avoid things getting lost or projects being touched by wondering hands. Your home office needs storage space, storage items, labeling and ways to keep track of projects in use.